Adamo, D., Scotland, S., Martin, B. J. “Asymmetry in Grasp Force Matching and Sense of Effort,” Experimental Brain Research, 217-2: 273-285, 2012.
Adamo, D., Scotland, S., Martin, B. J. “Upper Limb Kinesthetic Asymmetries: Gender and Handedness Effects,” Neuroscience Letters, 516-2: 188-192, 2012.
Armstrong, T., Chung, K., Woolley, C., Burns, P., Corvese, R. “Use of 3D Analysis of Motion to Enhance Functional Assessments of Hand Activity in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis, RA,” XII International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement Technology & Treatment, Bologna, July 18-20, 2012.
Armstrong T, Yu D, Frischknecht A, Minter R, Andreatta P, Kasten S: “Standardization of Surgical Procedures for Identifying Best Practices and Training,” Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation 41, Supplement 1: 4673-4679, 2012.
Armstrong, T., Kasten, S., Yu, D., Frischknecht, A., Minter, R., Andreatta, P. “Standardization of Surgical Procedures for Identifying Best Practices and Training,” 18th World Congress on Ergonomics, Recife, Brazil, February 2012.
Armstrong, T., Kasten, S., Yu, D., Frischknecht, A., Minter, R., Andreatta, P. “Standardization of Surgical Procedures for Identifying Best Practices and Training,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Boston, October 2012.
Bacon, JR, Armstrong, TJ, Brininger, TL. “The Effects of Functional Limitations on Soldier Common Tasks,” Work; 41 Suppl 1:422-31, 2012.
Bafus, B.T., Hughes, R.E., Miller, B.S., Carpenter, J.E. “Evaluation of Utility in Shoulder Pathology: Correlating the American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons and Constant Score to the EuroQol,” World Journal of Orthopaedics, 3:20-24, 2012.
Bareria, P., D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., Lenker, J., and Steinfeld, E. “Performance of Visually Impaired Users during Simulated Boarding and Alighting on Low-floor Buses,” Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), October 2012.
Lee, B., Martin, B.J., Sienko, K. “Comparison if Non-Volitional Postural Responses Induced by Two Types of Torso Based Vibrotactile Stimulations,” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 2012; Vancouver, BC, Canada. IEEE; 2012.
Bi, L., Gan, G., Shang, J., Liu, Y. “Queuing Network Modeling of Driver Lateral Control with or without a Cognitive Distraction Task,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012;13(4):1810-1820:[6227355].
Cao, S., & Liu, Y. “An Integrated Cognitive Architecture for Cognitive Engineering Applications,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 56, Boston, October 2012.
Cao, S., & Liu, Y. “QN-ACTR Modeling of Multitask Performance of Dynamic and Complex Cognitive Tasks,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 56, Boston, October 2012.
D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., Lenker, J., Steinfeld, E., Bareria, P. “Low-floor Bus Design Preferences of Walking Aid Users during Simulated Boarding and Alighting,” Work, 2012;41(SUPPL.1):4951-4956.
D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., and Steinfeld, E. “Clearance Space Envelopes of Wheeled Mobility Device Users for Computer Workstations,” Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), October 2012.
D’Souza, C., Paquet, V., Steinfeld, E., Lenker, J., & Bareria, P. “Performance of Walking Aid Users during Laboratory-based Environmental Simulations of Boarding and Alighting Low-floor Buses,” Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, Vol. 41, Supplement 1/2012, 4951-4956, 2012.
Fuller, H., Reed, M., and Liu, Y. “Integration of Physical and Cognitive Human Models to Simulate Driving with a Secondary In-Vehicle Task,” accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2012.
Fuller, H., Reed, M., and Liu, Y. “Integration of Physical and Cognitive Human Models to Simulate Driving with a Secondary In-Vehicle Task,” Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE; 2012.
Grant, J.A., Bissell, B., Hake, M.E., Miller, B.S., Hughes, R.E., Carpenter, J.E. “Relationship between Implant Use, Operative Time, and Costs Associated with Distal Biceps Tendon Reattachment,” Orthopaedics 35:e1618-e1624, 2012.
Green, P.A. “Human Factors and Ergonomics in Motor Vehicle Transportation,” Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics: Fourth Edition, 2012:1596-1614.
Green, P.A. “Using Standards to Improve the Replicability and Applicability of Driver Interface Research,” AutomotiveUI 2012 – 4th International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, In-cooperation with ACM SIGCHI – Proceedings, 2012:15-22.
Guan, J., Hsiao, H., Bradtmiller, B., Kau, T., Reed, M. P., Jahns, S. K., Loczi, J., Hardee, H. L., Piamonte, D. P. T. “U. S. Truck Driver Anthropometric Study and Multivariate Anthropometric Models for Cab Designs,” Human Factors, 54 (5): 849-871, 2012.
Hsiao, H., Armstrong, T. “Preface to the Special Section on Occupational Fall Prevention and Protection,” Human Factors, 2012; 54(3): 316-333.
Hu, J., Rupp, J.D., Reed, M.P. “Focusing on Vulnerable Populations in Crashes: Recent Advances in Finite Element Human Models for Injury Biomechanics Research,” Journal of Automotive Safety and Energy, 3(4):295-307, 2012.
Hu, J., Klinich, K.D., Reed, M.P., Kokkolaras, M., Rupp, J.D. “Development and Validation of a Modified Hybrid-III Six-year-old Dummy Model for Simulating Submarining in Motor-vehicle Crashes,” Medical Engineering and Physics, 34(5): 541-551, 2012.
Jones, M.L.H., Reed, M.P., Chaffin, D.B. “The Effect of Bracing Availability on One-hand Isometric Force Exertion Capability,” Ergonomics, accepted December, 2012.
Jones, M.L.H., Reed, M.P., Chaffin, D.B. “Identifying and Classifying Force-Generating Strategies for One-handed Isometric Force Exertions Tasks with Bracing Availability,” Theoretical Ergonomics, submitted 2012.
Klinich, K.D., Ebert, S.M., Reed, M.P. “Quantifying Cervical Spine Curvature using Bézier Splines,” Journal of Biomechanical Engineering, 11(4): 114503-114508, 2012.
Lee, B.C., Ho, A., Martin, B.J., Sienko, K. “Effects of Co-vibrotactile Stimulations Around the Torso on Non-volitional Postural Responses,” Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS, 2012:6149-6152:[6347397].
Lee, B.C., Martin, B.J., Sienko, K. “Comparison of Non-volitional Postural Responses Induced by Two Types of Torso Based Vibrotactile Stimulations,” Proceedings of the 2012 HAPTICS Symposium, 2012:195-198.
Lee, B.C., Martin, B.J., Sienko, K. “Directional Postural Responses Induced by Vibrotactile Stimulations Applied to the Torso,” Exp. Brain Res., 222(4): 471-482, 2012.
Li, C., Lee, S., Armstrong, T. “Use of Marker-Less Motion Capture Approach for Construction Field Workers’ Biomechanical Analysis,” American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, August 2012.
Li, H., Sarter, B., Sebok, A., and Wickens, C. “Matching Arm with ‘Arm’: Supporting Space Teleoperation through Tactile Display,” Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Boston, October 2012.
Li, H., Sarter, N., Sebok, A., & Wickens, C. “The Design and Evaluation of Visual and Tactile Warnings in Support of Space Teleoperations,” In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), Boston, MA, October 2012.
Liu, Y., Wu, C., and Berman, M. G. “Computational Neuroergonomics,” NeuroImage. 59(1), pp. 109-116, 2012.
Lu, S., Wickens, C., Prinet, J., Hutchins, S., Sarter, N. and Sebok, A. “Informing Multimodal Interface Design Using a Novel Meta-Analytical Technique,” Human Factors, 2012.
Lu, S., Wickens, C., Sarter, N., Thomas, L., Nikolic, M., and Sebok, A. “Redundancy Gains in Communication Tasks: A Comparison of Auditory, Visual, and Redundant Auditory-Visual Information Presentation on NextGen Flight Decks,” In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES), Boston, MA. October 2012.
McLoone, H., Jacobson, M., Goonetilleke, R., Kleiss, J., Liu, Y., Schutte, S. “Product Design and Emotion: Frameworks, Methods, and Case Studies,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2012:1940-1941.
Miller, B., Downie, B., Kohen, R., Kijek, T., Lesniak, B., Jacobson, J., Hughes, R., Carpenter, J. “Authors’ Response,” American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2012;40(5):NP5-NP6.
Minter, R., Frischknecht, A., et al. “Objective Assessment and Feedback of Surgical Performance Using Image Analysis Technology,” Academic Medicine (in press).
Moacdieh, N., and Sarter, N. “Eye Tracking Metrics: A Toolbox for Assessing the Effects of Clutter on Attention Allocation,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56th Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: SAGE Publications, pp. 1366-1370, 2012.
Nathan-Roberts, D., Liu, Y. “Comparison of Design Preferences for Mobile Phones and Blood GLucose Meters,” Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Boston, October 2012.
Nathan-Roberts, D., Liu, Y. “Integrating Aesthetic and Usability Factors in the Design of Mobile Phones,” Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Boston, October 2012.
Nicholas, JW, Corvese, RJ, Woolley, C, Armstrong, TJ. “Quantification of Hand Grasp Force Using a Pressure Mapping System,” Work; 41 Suppl 1:605-12, 2012.
Paquet, V., Joseph, C., & D’Souza, C. “Computer Re-sampling for Demographically Representative User Populations in Anthropometry: A Case of Doorway and Clear Floor Space Widths,” Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, Vol. 41, Supplement 1/2012, 4098-4101, 2012.
Prinet, J., Terhune, A., Sarter, N. “Supporting Dynamic Re-planning in Multiple UAV Control: A Comparison of 3 Levels of Automation,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2012: 423-426.
Reed, M.P., Ebert-Hamilton, S.M., Rupp, J.D. “Effects of Obesity on Seat Belt Fit, ”Traffic Injury Prevention, 13(4): 364-372, 2012.
Saavedra, S., Smith, B., Beutler, B., Kim, B., Teulier, C., Martin, B.J., Ultrich, B. “Vibration-induced Motor Responses of Infants with and without Myelomeningocele,” Physical Therapy, 92(4): 537-550, 2012.
Sackllah, M., Yu, D., Woolley, C., Kasten, S., Armstrong, T. “Evaluating Alternate Visualization Methods for Microsurgery: 2D and 3D Optical Microscopes and Flat-Panel Displays,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Boston, October 2012.
Sarter, N. (2012). Multimodal Displays: Conceptual Basis, Design Guidance, and Research Needs. To appear in John Lee and Alex Kirlik (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Engineering – Volume 1: Foundations, Perspectives, and Cognitive Issues. New York, NY: Oxford University Press (in press).
Sarter, N. (2012). “Multimodal Support for Interruption Management: Models, Empirical Findings and Design Recommendations. Special Issue on “Perception Based Media Processing” of the Proceedings of the IEEE. Revised manuscript submitted.
Sebok, A., Wickens, C., Sarter, N., Koenecke, C. “The Multimodal Evaluation Module: Design and Validation of a Mode-based Tool to Predict Pilot Noticing of Multimodal Information on the Flight Deck,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Conference, Boston, MA, September 2012.
Sebok, A., Wickens, C., Sarter, N., Quesada, S., Socash, C., Anthony, B. “The Automation Design Advisor Tool (ADAT): Development and Validation of a Model-based Tool to Support Flight Deck Automation Design for Nextgen Operations,” Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 2012;19(6).
Srinivasan, D., Martin, B.J. “Does the Central Nervous System Learn to Plan Bimanual Movements Based on its Expectation of Availability of Visual Feedback?” Human Movement Science, 31(6): 1409-1424, 2012.
Srinivasan, D. and Martin, B. “Emergence of Visiomotor Coordination with Training in Bimanual Movements,” XII International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement Technology & Treatment, Bologna, July 18-20, 2012.
Wiggermann, N., Werner, R., Keyserling, W.M. “The Effect of Prolonged Standing on Touch Sensitivity Threshold of the Foot: A Pilot Study,” PM and R. 2012;4(2):117-122.
Young, JG., Ehrlich, P., Ulin, S., Woolley, C., Armstrong, T., Galecki, A., Ashton-Miller, J. “Effects of Gender and Hand Dominance on Children’s Capacity to Hang onto an Overhead Rung with One Hand,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Boston, October 2012.
Young, JG., Woolley, C., Armstrong, TJ. “Hand/handhold Coupling: Effect of Handhold Orientation, Size, and Wearing Gloves on Breakaway Strength,” Human Factors (in press 2012).
Young, J., Woolley, C., Ashton-Miller, J., Armstrong, T. “The Effect of Handhold Orientation, Size, and Wearing Gloves on Hand/Handhold Breakaway Strength,” Human Factors, Volume 54: 316-333, June 2012.
Young, J.G., Lin, J-H., Chang, C-C., McGorry, R. “Effect of Handle Rotation, Tilt, and Width on Natural Hand/Handle Angle and Wrist Posture During Push,” Ergonomics, in press 2012.
Yu, D., Frischknecht, A., Green, C., Kasten, S., Armstrong, T. “Assessing Posture in Surgery: Video Sampling of Microsurgery,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society’s 56th Annual Meeting, Boston, October 2012.
Yu, D., Sackllah, M., Woolley, C., Kasten, S., Armstrong, T. “Evaluating Equipment Constraints in Surgery,” XII International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement Technology & Treatment, Bologna, July 18-20, 2012.
Yu, D., Sackllah, M., Woolley, C., Kasten, S. J., Armstrong, T. J. “Quantitative Posture Analysis of 2D, 3D and Optical Microscope Visualization Methods for Microsurgery Tasks,” Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41, Supplement 1, 1944-1947, 2012.
Yu, D., Sackllah, M., Woolley, C., Kasten, S., Kim, D., Green, C., Armstrong, A. “The Effect of Visualization Method on the Performance of Simulated Microsurgery Tasks,” Work, 2012; 41 (SUPPL.1): 5634-5636.
Zhou, W., Armstrong, T., Wegner, D., Reed, M. “Biomechanical Analysis of Self-Selected Upper Limb Posture for Grasping and Holding,” XII International Symposium on 3D Analysis of Human Movement Technology & Treatment, Bologna, July 18-20, 2012.
Zhou, W., Armstrong, T., Wegner, D., Reed, M. “Influence of Object Size and Hand Posture on Upper Limb Joint Loads During One-Handed Lifting Exertion,”American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, August 2012.
Zhu, X., Hu, S>J., Koren, Y., Huang, N. “A Complexity Model for Sequence Planning in Mixed-model Assembly Lines,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2012;31(2):121-130.