Adamo, D., Barringer, S., Kohdaee, M., Johnson, P., Martin, B. “Influence of Age on Muscle Twitch Force Fatigue Induced by Intermittent and Sustained Low Mean Levels of Grip Exertions,” Ergonomics, 52(10):1287-97, Oct. 2009.
Adamo, D., Khodaee, M., Barringer, S., Johnson, P., Martin, B. “Low Mean Level Sustained and Intermittent Grip Exertions: Influence of Age on Fatigue and Recovery,” Ergonomics, 2009; 52(10): 1287-1297.
Adamo, D.E., Martin, B.J. “Position Sense Asymmetry,” Experimental Brain Research, 192(1): 87-95, 2009.
Adams, P.S. “Communicating Hazards for Industrial and Construction Equipment,” Proceedings of the XI Annual Applied Ergonomics Conference, 2009.
Armstrong, T.J., Best, C., Bae, S., Choi, J., Grieshaber, D.C., Park, D., Woolley, C., and Zhou, W. “Development of a Kinematic Hand Model for Study and Design of Hose Installation,” Digital Human Modeling, HCII 2009, LNCS 5620:85-94, 2009.
Armstrong, T.J., Radwin, R., Marras, B. “Editorial: Festschrift for Dr Don B. Chaffin,” Ergonomics, 2009;52(1):1-2.
Armstrong, T.J., Young, J.G., Woolley, C.B., Ashton-Miller, J.A., Kim, H. “Biomechanical Aspects of Fixed Ladder Climbing: Style, Ladder Tilt, and Carrying,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting, San Antonio, October 2009.
Bae, S.,Armstrong, T. “Finger Motions in Reach and Grasp Work Elements,” Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Beijing, August 2009.
Bauerly, M., and Liu, Y. “Evaluation and Improvement of Interface Aesthetics with an Interactive Genetic Algorithm,” International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction,” 2009, 25(2): 155-166.
Bauerly, M., and Liu, Y. “Using Interactive Genetic Algorithms (IGA) for Aesthetic Interface Design,” International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 25(2), 155-166, 2009.
Bernas, G., Thiele, R., Kinnaman, K. Hughes, R., Miller, B., Carpenter, J. “Defining Safe Rehabilitation for Ulnar Collateral Ligament Reconstruction of the Elbow: A Biomechanical Study,” American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2009; 37(12): 2392-2400.
Bi, L., Liu, Y. “Experimental Study on Chinese User’s Aesthetic Response to Compositional Elements in Aesthetic Interfaces,” Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Beijing, August 2009.
Bi, L., Liu, Y. “Modeling Driver Car-Following Based on the Queuing Network Cognitive Architecture,” Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics, 2009, 2: 895-900.
Bi, L., Liu, Y. “Queuing network modeling of driver braking behavior,” Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Beijing, August 2009.
Bi, L., Tsimhoni, O., and Liu, Y. “Using Image-based Metrics to Model Pedestrian Detection Performance with Night-vision Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 10(1):155-164, 2009.
Cai, H., Green, P. “Legibility Index for Examining Common Viewing Situations: A New Definition Using Solid Angle,” LEUKOS – Journal of Illuminating Engineering Society of North America, 2009; 5(4): 279-293.
Chaffin, D.B. “Human Research and Engineering Directorate,” in 2007-2008 Assessment of the Army Research Laboratory, Report of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington: National Academies Press, 2009.
Chaffin, D.B. “The Evolving Role of Biomechanics in Prevention of Overexertion Injuries,” Ergonomics, 2009; 52(1): 3-14.
Chang, C., Rupp, J.D., Reed, M.P., Hughes, R.E., and Schneider, L.W. “Predicting the Effects of Muscle Activation on Knee, Thigh, and Hip Injuries in Front Crashes using a Finite-element Model with Muscle Forces from Subject Testing and Musculoskeletal Modeling,” Stapp Car Crash Journal, 53, 2009.
Doro, L., Ladd, B., Hughes, R., Chenevert, T. “Validation of an Adapted MRI Pulse Sequence for Quantification of Fatty Infiltration in Muscle,” Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 2009; 27(6): 823-827.
Drinkaus, P., Armstrong, T., Foulke, J. “Investigation of Flexible Hose Insertion Forces and Selected Factors,” Applied Ergonomics, 2009; 40(1):39-46.
Drinkaus, P., Armstrong, T., Foulke, J. “Investigation of Flexible Hose Insertion Forces and Selected Factors,” Elsevier Science Ltd.; 2009.
Ferris, T. and Sarter, N. “Initial Successes in the Development of Complex Vibrotactile Displays for Anesthetic Monitoring,” University of Michigan Engineering Graduate Symposium, Ann Arbor, November 2009. – First place, Oral presentation competition in Industrial, Operations and Financial Engineering
Ferris, T., and Sarter, N. “Supporting Anesthetic Monitoring through Tactile Display of Physiological Parameters,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting, San Antonio, October 2009.
Ferris, T., Hameed, S., Sarter, N. “Tactile Displays for Multitask Environments: The Role of Concurrent Task Processing Code,” Proceedings of the Third Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environment and Teleoperator Systems, Salt Lake City, March 2009. – Winner of the WorldHaptics ’09 Award for Best Paper in Haptics Science.
Ferris, T., Sarter, N., and Wickens, C.D., “Cockpit Automation: Still Struggling to Catch Up…,” in Human Factors in Aviation (2nd edition), Salas, E., Allard, T. and Maurino, D. (eds.), Elsevier, 15:479-503, 2010.
Fuller, H.J.A., Tsimhoni, O. Glance Strategies for Using an In-vehicle Touch-screen Monitor, Technical Report UMTRI-2009-5, Ann Arbor, MI: The University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute.
Gatti, C., Hughes, R. “Optimization of Muscle Wrapping Objects using Simulated Annealing,” Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 2009; 37(7): 1342-1347.
Grieshaber, D. C. and T. J. Armstrong. “The Effect of Insertion Method and Required Force on Hand Clearance Envelopes during Simulated Rubber Hose Insertion Tasks,” Human Factors, 76-102, 2009.
Grieshaber, D.C., Armstrong, T.A., Chaffin, D.B., Keyserling, W.M, Ashton-Miller, J. “The Effects of Insertion Method and Force on Hand Clearance Envelopes for Rubber Hose Insertion Tasks,” Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 51:152-163, 2009.
Hameed, S., Ferris, T., Jayaraman, S., and Sarter, N. “Using Informative Peripheral Visual and Tactile Cues to Support Task and Interruption Management,” Human Factors, 51(2): 126-135, 2009.
Hameed, S., Sarter, N. “Context-sensitive Information Presentation: Integrating Adaptive Approaches to Display Design,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2009;3:1694-1698.
Hoffenson, S., Kokkolaras, M., Papalambros, P., Reed, M. “An Optimization Approach to Occupant Safety and Fuel Economy in Vehicle Design,” Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Lisbon, 2009.
Hoffman, S., Reed, M., Chaffin, C. “Postural Behaviors during One-hand Force Exertions,” SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Electronic and Electrical Systems, 2009; 1(1): 1136-1142.
Hughes, R.E., and Nelson, N.A. “Estimating Investment Worthiness of an Ergonomic Intervention for Preventing Low Back Pain,” Applied Ergonomics, 40: 457-463, 2009.
Hughes, R.E., Nelson, N.A. “Estimating Investment Worthiness of an Ergonomic Intervention for Preventing Low Back Pain from a Firm’s Perspective,” Elsevier Science Ltd.; 2009.
Kantowitz, B.H., and Nathan-Roberts, D. “Sources of Stimulus-Response Compatibility: Frames, Rules, and Response Tendencies,” The Ergonomics Open Journal, 2, 000-000, 2009.
Kantowitz, B. H., Roediger, H. L., and Elmes, D. Experimental Psychology (9th edition) Belmont: Wadsworth Thomson Learning, 2009.
Kantowitz, B.H., “Using Driving Simulators Outside North America,” in Handbook of Driving Simulation in Engineering, Medicine and Psychology, Fisher, D., and Lee, J. (eds.), Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009.
Kim, H., Martin, B. “Effects of Posture and Movement on Vibration Transmissibility Affecting Human Reach Performance Under Vehicle Vibration,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2009; 3:1714-1718.
Lai, C., Chen, P., Shi, S., Liu, Y., and Hong, J. “Computational Models and Experimental Investigations of Effects of Balance and Symmetry on the Aesthetics of Text Overlaid Images,” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 68(1/2), Jan. 2010.
Lau, M. and T. Armstrong. “The Effect of Viewing Angle on Wrist Posture Estimation from Photographic Images using Novice Raters,” Applied Ergonomics, 42(5):634-43, Feb. 2011.
LeBlanc, D. and Kantowitz, B.H. “Cooperative Vehicle-highway Systems: Gap Analysis for Emergency Transportation Operations,” International Journal of Vehicular Information & Communication Systems, 2(1/2):122-141, 2009.
Li, H., Sun, X., Zhang, K., Sarter, N. “Perceived Urgency of Voice Alarms in Emergency Evacuations,” Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Beijing, August 2009.
Lim, J., and Liu, Y. “Reinforcement Learning in Eye Movements: Modeling the Cyclic Influences of Top-down and Bottom-up Processes for Reinforcement Learning in Eye Movements,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 39(4):706-714, 2009.
Lin, T., Hwang, S., Green, P. “Effects of Time-gap Settings of Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) on Driving Performance and Subjective Acceptance in a Bus Driving Simulator,” Safety Science, 2009; 47(5): 620-625.
Liu, Y. “Cultural Ergonomics and Humanity Factors: Stories and Questions,” Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Beijing, August 2009.
Liu, Y. “QN-ACES: Integrating Queuing Network and ACT-R, CAPS, EPIC, Soar Architectures for Multitask Cognitive Modeling,” International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 25(6):554-581, 2009.
Loffredo, M., Manary, M.A., Reed, M.P., Arruda, C. “Dynamic Performance of Child Restraints with Two-point Belt Securement,” Proceedings of the 2009 SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Conference, Warrendale, 2009.
McGuirl, J., Sarter, N., and Woods, D. “Effects of Real-time Imaging on Decision-making in a Simulated Incident Command Task,”International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 1(1):54-69, 2009.
Nathan-Roberts, D., Liu, Y., Young, M., Hays, J. D., So, C. A., Little, C., Zhao, L. H. “Content Analysis of Literature on Mobile Phone Design Features,” Proceedings of the 17th Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association, Beijing, August 2009.
Nelson, N., Hughes, R. “Quantifying Relationships between Selected Work-related Risk Factors and Back Pain: A Systematic Review of Objective Biomechanical Measures and Cost-related Health Outcomes,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2009; 39 (1): 202-210.
Ortiz, V. Occupational Safety and Health in Small Businesses: A Literature Review, IOE 590 Masters Directed Study, July 2009.
Park, D., Armstrong, T., Woolley, C., Best, C. “Skin and Bone Surfaces for a Three-Dimensional Kinematic Hand Model,” Proceedings of the Human factors and Ergonomics Society, 2009;2:1225-1229.
Parkinson, M.B. and Reed, M.P. “Creating Virtual user Populations by Analysis of Anthropometric Data,” International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 40:106-111, 2009.
Pomales-Garcia, C., Liu, Y., Lopez, A. “Student Perceptions on the Importance of Distance Learning Module Design Dimensions,” Proceedings of the Frontiers in Education Conference, FIE, 2009.
Reed, M.P. “Modeling Ascending and Descending Stairs with the Human Motion Simulation Framework,” Proceedings of the 2009 SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Conference, Warrendale, 2009.
Reed, M.P., Ebert, S.M., Sherwood, C.P., Klinich, K.D., and Manary, M.A. “Evaluation of the Static Belt Fit Provided by Belt-positioning Boosters,” Accident Analysis and Prevention, 41:598-607, 2009.
Reed, M.P., Sochor, M.M., Rupp, J.D., Klinich, K.D., and Manary, M.A. “Anthropometric Specification of Child Crash Dummy Pelves through Statistical Analysis of Skeletal Geometry,” Journal of Biomechanics, 42:1143-1145, 2009.
Rupp, J.D., Reed, M.P., Miller, C.S., Madura, N.H., Klinich, K.D., Kuppa, S.M., Schneider, L.W. “Development of New Criteria for Assessing the Risk of Knee-thigh-hip Injury in Frontal Impacts using Hybrid-III Femure Force Measurements,” Proceedings of the 21st International Technical Conference on Experimental Safety Vehicles, Washington, 2009.
Schmidt, K., Liu, Y. and Sridharan, S. “Web Page Aesthetics and Performance: Design Variables and their Effects,” Ergonomics, 52(6):631-643, 2009.
Scibek, J., Carpenter, J. Hughes, R. “Rotator Cuff Tear Pain and Tear Size and Scapulohumeral Rhythm,” Journal of Athletic Training, 2009; 44(2): 148-159.
Seo, N.J. “Dependence of Safety Margins in Grip Force on Isometric Push Force Levels in Lateral Pinch,” Ergonomics, 52(7):840-847, 2009.
Seo, N.J., Armstrong, T.J. “Biomechanical Analysis for Handle Stability during Maximum Push and Pull Exertions,” Ergonomics, 52(12):1568-1575, 2009.
Seo, N.J., Armstrong, T.J. “Friction Coefficients in a Longitudinal Direction between the Finger Pad and Selected Materials for Different Normal Forces and Curvatures,” Ergonomics, 52(5):609-616, 2009.
Seo, N.J., Armstrong, T.J., Drinkaus, P. “A Comparison of Two Methods of Measuring Static Coefficient of Friction at Low Normal Forces: A Pilot Study,” Ergonomics, 52(1):121-135, 2009.
Shin, G., D’Souza, C., Liu, Y. “Creep and Fatigue Development in the Low Back in Static Flexion,” Spine, 2009; 34(17): 1873-1878.
Wagner, D.W., Kirschweng, R.L., and Reed, M.P. “Foot Motions in Manual Material Handling Transfer Tasks: A Taxonomy and Data from an Automotive Assembly Plant,” Ergonomics, 52(3):362-383, 2009.
Wickens, C., McCarley, J., Steelman-Allen, K., Sebok, A., Bzostek, J., Sarter, N. “NT-SEEV: A Model of Attention Capture and Noticing on the Flight Deck,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2009; 2: 769-773.
Womack, S., Armstrong, T., Liker, J. “Lean Job Design and Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk: A Two Plant Comparison,” Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 2009;19(4): 279-293.
Womack, S., Armstrong, T., Liker, J. “Lean Job Design and Musculoskeletal Disorder Risk: A Two Plant Comparison,” John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 2009.
Wu, C., Liu, Y. “Development and Evaluation of an Ergonomic Software Package for Predicting Multiple-Task Human Performance and Mental Workload in Human-Machine Interface Design and Evaluation,” Computers and Industrial Engineering, 2009; 56(1): 42-56.
Young, J.G. Development of a Biomechanical Model of Hand/Handhold Coupling: Influence of object size, orientation, and surface characteristics. Technical Report for the UM Center for Occupational Health and Safety Engineering, August 2009.
Young, J.G., Woolley, C.B., Armstrong T.J., and Ashton-Miller, J.A. “Hand/Handhold Coupling: Effect of Handle Shape, Orientation, and Friction on Breakaway Strength,” Human Factors, 51:705-717, 2009.
Young, J.G., Woolley, C.B., Armstrong, T.J., and Ashton-Miller, J.A. “Hand/Handhold Coupling: Influence of Active Grip Force and Friction on Breakaway Strength,” Proceedings of the ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference 2009, SBC2009, 2009;(PART B):997-998.
Yu, S.Y. and Martin, B.J. “Movement Control Phases of Upper Body Coordination in Visually Guided Reach Movements,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 53rd Annual Meeting, San Antonio, October 2009.
Zhou, W., Armstrong, T.J., Reed, M.P., Hoffman, S.G., Wegner, D. “Simulating Complex Automotive Assembly Tasks using the HUMOSIM Framework,” Proceedings of the 2009 SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Conference, Warrendale, 2009.
Zhou, W., Reed, M.P. “Validation of the Human Motion Simulation Framework: Posture prediction for standing object transfer tasks,” Proceedings of the 2009 SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Conference, Warrendale, 2009.