
Current Students Studying at The Center for Ergonomics

Ph.D. Students

Apodaca, Brandon
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2026
  • Area of Interest: Supervised Inspection Motion and Path Planning for Robotic Free-Flyer Space Inspections
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling
Baez, Hannah
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2026
  • Area of Interest: Human-Robot Interaction
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Nadine Sarter, Prof. Brent Gillespie
  • Desired Employment: HRI/Search and Rescue Robotics Industry
Bhat, Shreyas
  • Degree Program: Ph.D.
  • Area of Interest: Human-robot teaming, quantitative modeling of trust, and reward learning
  • Advisor(s): Prof. X. Jessie Yang, Prof. Cong Shi
Chung, Hyesun
  • Degree Program: Ph.D.
  • Area of Interest: Human-automation interaction, human-centered design, and accessibility
  • Advisor(s): Prof. X. Jessie Yang
Guo, Yaohui
  • Degree Program: Ph.D.
  • Area of Interest: Human-AI/Robot Interaction, Sequential Decision Making, Linear Bandits
  • Advisor(s): Prof. X. Jessie Yang, Prof. Cong Shi
Han, Doowon
  • Degree Program: Ph.D.
  • Area of Interest: Human-machine interaction, user interface/user experience and trust in automation.
  • Advisor(s): Prof. X. Jessie Yang
Hannan, Jacqueline
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2025
  • Area of Interest: Jacqueline is a graduate student in the Industrial and Operations Engineering department at the University of Michigan. Her current research interests include applying human factors concepts to the healthcare field to improve overall patient care. She is also interested in the use of wearable technology for health applications. Prior to studying at the University of Michigan, Jacqueline received her B.S. in biomedical engineering from the University at Buffalo.
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling
  • Desired Employment: Industry
Jeanniton, Caleb
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2026
  • Area of Interest: Human-machine interaction
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling

Kathuria, Tribhi

  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2024
  • Area of Interest: Tribhi is a graduate student in Robotics at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor working jointly at the Interaction & Collaboration Research Lab (ICRL) and the Computational Autonomy and Robotics Laboratory (CURLY). Her research interest lies in studying Motion Planning and Control techniques for autonomous systems in a way that can be deployed in the real world. Currently she is working on developing algorithms for a tour guide robot that can understand and assist visitors inside a museum autonomously. She completed an undergraduate degree in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from Delhi University, followed by a masters degree in Robotics at University of Michigan.
  • Advisor(s):Prof. Maani Ghaffari Jadidi, Prof. X. Jessie Yang
  • Desired Employment:Academia, Industry

Kim, Jinyong

  • Degree Program: Ph.D.
  • Area of Interest: My research focuses on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), specifically to enhance human trust when using automation. My future goal is to conduct human factors research to improve HCI for people with disabilities and the aging population.
  • Advisor(s): Prof. X. Jessie Yang
Larson, Hannah
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2024
  • Area of Interest: Human-robot Interaction in autonomous controls with a focus in space applications
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling
  • Desired Employment: Undecided
Moshin, Nourin
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2025
  • Area of Interest: Fatigue, Neuroergonomics
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Oshin Tyagi
Nigrelli, Emma
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2028
  • Area of Interest: Biomechanics and wearable technology
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling
Peng, Xiangyu
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation:
  • Area of Interest: Xiangyu’s main research interest lies in human-robot interaction and exoskeleton controller development. His current project focuses on the understanding of people’s perception towards exoskeleton control parameters, which could inform the controller design in the future to minimize perceived interaction forces between human and exoskeleton.
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling
  • Desired Employment: Academia, Industry
Patrik SchulerSchuler, Patrik
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2023
  • Area of Interest: Patrik’s current research interests focus on Human Factors and Physical Ergonomics, specifically with inclusive and accessible design. He received his undergraduate degree in Industrial Engineering at Clemson University. Prior to college, he served 5 years as a radio repairman in the United States Marine Corps. From that experience, he became motivated in facilitating functional independence for people with disabilities. At the University of Michigan, he is implementing inclusive design principals through Autonomous Vehicles.
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Jessie Yang
  • Desired Employment: Academia, Industry
Seong, Matthew
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2027
  • Area of Interest: Mind/motor adaptation, Neuroergonomics
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Oshin Tyagi
Swilley, Jakob
  • Degree Program: Ph.D.
  • Area of Interest: Human Factors Engineering for Spaceflight applications
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling
Tang, Jianyang (Joe)
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2026
  • Area of Interest: Robotics
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling
Wang, Yuanchen
  • Degree Program: Ph.D.
  • Area of Interest: Human-autonomy and human-robot interactions
  • Advisor(s): Prof. X. Jessie Yang
Williams, Connor
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2027
  • Area of Interest: Human-Robot Interaction with Exoskeleton Systems
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling
Wu, Man I (Maggie)
  • Degree Program: Ph.D., Expected graduation: 2024
  • Area of Interest: Lower-body exoskeletons, human-robot interaction, robotics
  • Advisor(s): Prof. Leia Stirling
Zamudio, Jennifer
  • Degree Program: Ph.D.
  • Area of Interest: My research focuses on human factors engineering applications in healthcare, with a specific interest in enhancing team interactions, cognitive ergonomics, and well-being among healthcare professionals within stressful/high workload environments (e.g., robotic surgery, trauma care).
  • Advisor(s): Prof. X. Jessie Yang
Zhang, Qiaoning
  • Degree Program: Ph.D.
  • Area of Interest: Human-Computer Interaction, Human Centered Design, UX Research, Self-Driving Vehicles
  • Advisor(s): Prof. X. Jessie Yang


Former Students of The Center for Ergonomics


Name Year Program Area of Interest Advisor Thesis Title
Weiss, Hannah 2023 Ph.D. Human-Systems Integration for Aerospace Applications Stirling Evaluation of Augmented Reality and Wearable Sensors to Assess Neurovestibular and Sensorimotor Performance in Astronauts for Extravehicular Activity Readiness
Tabattanon, Kamolnat 2023 Ph.D. Human Factors Martin Bridging the Gap Between Mobility Perception and Performance for Aging Manual Wheelchair Users
Soratana, Teerachart 2023 Ph.D. Human-robot interaction, Machine Learning Yang Human Prediction of Robot’s Intention in Reach Movements
Panesar, Karanvir 2023 Ph.D. Human-Machine Teaming Sarter “It’s One Thing After Another”: Supporting the Management of Frequent and Nested Interruptions in High-Tempo Multi-Agent Operations
Li, Yifan 2023 Ph.D. Physical Ergonomics, Occupational Biomechanics, Human Factors Armstrong Model Based Work Assessment Combining Spatial and Temporal Modeling for Structured Proactive Work Analysis
Fu, Albert Qianyi 2020 Ph.D. Physical Ergonomics, Human Factors Armstrong Development of a Planar Piecewise Continuous Lumped Muscle Parameter Model for Investigation of Joint Stiffness in Walking on a Level Surface
Lu, Yidu 2020 Ph.D. Physical Ergonomics, Human Factors Martin Detecting and Overcoming Trust Miscalibration in Real Time Using an Eye-tracking Based Technique
Acosta-Sojo, Yadrianna 2020 Ph.D. Physical Ergonomics, Human Factors Martin Adaptation of sensory and motor rehabilitation procedures for stroke patients
Haney, Justin 2019 Ph.D. Physical Ergonomics, Human Factors D’Souza Modeling Hand Movements in a Sequential Reach Task with Continuous Material
Lim, Sol 2019 Ph.D. Physical Ergonomics, Biomechanics D’Souza Combining Inertial Sensing and Predictive Modeling for Ergonomic Exposure Assessment in Non-Repetitive Work
Liu, Ke 2019 Ph.D. Transportation Green, Liu Measuring and Quantifying Driver Workload on Limited Access Roads
Mao, Yaxun 2019 Ph.D. Systems Interface Design/Evaluation Liu User Interface Evaluation with Machine Learning Methods
Wan, Yuzhi 2019 Ph.D. Cognitive Ergonomics Sarter Identifying and Overcoming Attention Limitations in the Detection and Identification of Alarms in Close Temporal Proximity
Jeong, Heejin 2018 Ph.D. Cognitive Modeling Liu Computational Modeling and Experimental Research on Touchscreen Gestures, Audio/Speech Interaction, and Driving
Figueroa, Rosemarie 2017 Ph.D.  Biomechanics Armstrong Development of a Three-Dimensional Anthropometric Model for Simulating Hand Work
Prinet, Julie 2016 Ph.D. Cognitive Ergonomics Sarter Attentional Narrowing: Triggering, Detecting and Overcoming a Threat to Safety
Pitts, Brandon 2016 Ph.D. Systems Interface Design Sarter Age-related differences in multimodal information processing and their implications for adaptive display design
Carrasquillo, Vernnaliz 2016 Ph.D. Ergonomics / Biomechanics Armstrong Cycle to Cycle Task Variations in Mixed-Model Assembly Lines and Their Effects on Worker Posture, Joint Loads, and Recovery Time
Feng, Fred 2015 Ph.D. Cognitive Modeling Liu Queuing Network Modeling of Human Multitask Performance and its Application to Usability Testing of In-Vehicle Infotainment Systems
Moacdieh, Nadine 2015 Ph.D. Systems Interface Design Sarter Eye tracking: A promising means of tracing, explaining, and preventing the performance effects of display clutter in real time
Lu, Sara 2014 Ph.D. Transportation Safety Sarter Tactile and crossmodal change blindness and its implications for display design
Yu, Denny 2014 Ph.D. Biomechanics Armstrong Application of human factors in surgery: studies on technique, displays, and performance
Best, Christopher 2013 Ph.D. Cognitive Modeling Liu Modeling dual-task concurrency and effort in QN-ACTR and IMPRINT
Cao, Shi 2013 Ph.D. Cognitive Modeling Liu Queueing network modeling of human performance in complex cognitive multi-task scenarios
Scotland, Samantha 2013 Ph.D. Physical Ergonomics Martin Upper limb asymmetries of movement sense and sense of effort: the contribution of gender and handedness
Zhou, Wei 2013 Ph.D. Development of Biomechanical Models for Describing Hand and Finger Placements in Handling Work Objects
Li, Huiyang 2012 Ph.D. Cognitive Ergonomics Sarter Supporting human-automation collaboration through dynamic function allocation: The case of space teleoperation
Nathan-Roberts, Dan 2012 Ph.D. Cognitive Modeling Liu Using interactive genetic algorithms to support aesthetic ergonomic design
Bae, Sungchan 2011 Ph.D. Biomechanics Armstrong Investigation of Hand Posture During Reach and Grasp for Ergonomic Applications
Jayaraman, Swapnaa 2011 Ph.D. Cognitive Ergonomics Sarter Supporting monitoring and interruption management In complex domains through graded multimodal notifications
Jones, Monica 2011 Ph.D. Biomechanics Reed / Chaffin / Hughes Bracing during kinematically constrained one-hand isometric force exertions: predicting force and posture for ergonomic analysis
Lau, Michael 2011 Ph.D. Ergonomics / Biomechanics Armstrong An investigation of factors that affect subjective assessment of wrist posture and applied hand force
Wiggermann, Neal 2011 Ph.D. Biomechanics / Ergonomics Keyserling The effect of flooring surface compliance on plantar pressures and discomfort during prolonged standing
Young, Justin 2011 Ph.D. Biomechanics Armstrong Biomechanics of hand/handhold coupling and factors affecting the capacity to hang on
Anthony, Brian 2010 Ph.D. Transportation Safety Sarter
Berman, Marc 2010 Ph.D. Cognitive Modeling Liu Memory, Interference and Depression
Ferris, Thomas 2010 Ph.D. Cognitive Modeling Sarter Informative vibrotactile displays to support attention and task management in anesthesiology
Fuller, Helen 2010 Ph.D. Cognitive Ergonomics Liu The Virtual Driver: Integrating Physical and Cognitive Human Models to Simulate Driving with a Secondary In-Vehicle Task
Kim, H.J., Suzanne 2010 Ph.D. Analysis of Biodynamic Responses Associated with Upper Limb Reaching Movements under Whole-Body Vibration- Support for an Active Biodynamic Model
Srinivasan, Divya 2010 Ph.D. HUMOSIM Reed Visuomotor Coordination in Symmetric and Asymmetric Bimanual Reaching Tasks
Yu, Shin-Yuan 2010 Ph.D. Upper Body Coordination and Movement Control of Unconstrained Visually Guided Three-Dimensional Reach Movements
Choi, Jaewon 2008 Ph.D. Developing a 3-Dimensional Kinematic Model of the Hand for Ergonomic Analyses of Hand Posture, Hand Space Envelope, and Tendon Excursion
Hoffman, Suzanne 2008 Ph.D. HUMOSIM Chaffin / Reed Whole-body postures during standing hand-force exertions: development of a 3D biomechanical posture prediction model
Wagner, David 2008 Ph.D. Classification and Modeling of Acyclic Stepping Strategies Used during Manual Material Handling Transfer Tasks
Bauerly, Michael 2007 Ph.D. Mathematical Modeling and Experimental Study of Interface Aesthetics
Grieshaber, David 2007 Ph.D. Factors Affecting Hand Posture and One-Handed Push Force During Flexible Rubber Hose Insertion Tasks
Rider, Kevin 2007 Ph.D. Effects of Ride Motion Perturbation on the Speed and Accuracy of In-Vehicle Reaching Tasks
Seo, Na Jin 2007 Ph.D. Development of a Biomechanical Model of Hand Coupling for Axial Torque and Push Exertions on Cylindrical Handles
Womack, Sarah 2007 Ph.D. Organizational Ergonomics Armstrong / Liker A multi-methodological study of the effects of lean manufacturing practices on work-related musculoskeletal disorder risk factors and other injuries


Name Year Program
Wang, Tianke 2019 M.S.E.
Nona, Laith 2017 M.S.E.
Caminita, Mia 2017 M.S.E.
Williams, Kathryn 2017 M.S.E.
Green, Cooper 2016 M.S.E.
Jeong, Heejin 2015 M.S.E.
McDowell, Ashley 2015 M.S.E.
Cwynar, David 2014 M.S.E.
DosSantos, Matheus 2014 M.S.E.
Greenough, Christopher 2014 M.S.E.
Kai, Thomas 2014 M.S.E.
Knuutila, Kristin 2014 M.S.E.
Komar, David 2014 M.S.E.
Twomey, Alessandra 2014 M.S.E.
Waller, Stephanie 2014 M.S.E.
Walsh, John 2014 M.S.E.
Huang, Wenyan 2013 M.S.E.
Bybee, Jeffrey 2012 M.S.E.
Cressman, Dale 2012 M.S.E.
Giliken, Casey 2012 M.S.E.
Ho, Helinda 2012 M.S.E.
Myatt, Lisa 2012 M.S.E.
Dubinsky, Jayme 2011 M.S.E.
Graul, Douglas 2011 M.S.E.
Herron, Matthew 2011 M.S.E.
Hinton, Jared 2011 M.S.E.
Kime, Jeremy 2011 M.S.E.
Phillips, Catherine 2011 M.S.E.
Sackllah, Michael 2011 M.S.E.
Au, Kenneth 2010 M.S.E.
Lapp, Katherine 2010 M.S.E.
Muiru, William 2010 M.S.E.
Ortiz, Vivian 2010 M.S.E.
Potterton, Jon 2010 M.S.E.
Hammersborg, Anders 2009 M.S.E.
Neeland, Mark 2009 M.S.E.
Stringfield, Kiana 2009 M.S.E.