3D Static Strength Prediction Program™ (3DSSPP)
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Effective October 7, 2020
Effective October 7, 2020 the University of Michigan has entered into an exclusive licensing arrangement with VelocityEHS | Humantech for forward licensing, support and development of the 3D Static Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP). All forward sales, support and development of the program will be managed by the VelocityEHS | Humantech team. Additional information is available through their website.
The 3D Static Strength Prediction Program™ software predicts static strength requirements for tasks such as lifts, presses, pushes, and pulls. The program provides an approximate job simulation that includes posture data, force parameters and male/female anthropometry. Output includes the percentage of men and women who have the strength to perform the described job, spinal compression forces, and data comparisons to NIOSH guidelines. The user can analyze torso twists and bends and make complex hand force entries. Analysis is aided by an automatic posture generation feature and three dimensional human graphic illustrations.
3D SSPP software can be used as an aid in the evaluation of the physical demands of a prescribed job. Furthermore, the 3D SSPP can aid the analyst in evaluating proposed workplace designs and redesigns prior to the actual construction or reconstruction of the workplace or task. The program is applicable to worker motions in three dimensional space.
For further information, please visit the 3DSSPP section.
The Energy Prediction Program (EEPP)
The Energy Expenditure Prediction Program™ (EEPP) is a software tool to estimate energy expenditure rates for materials handling tasks to help assure worker safety and health. The EEPP code has reached the end of its lifetime and is no longer supported by the latest computer operating systems or by the Center for Ergonomics staff. Individuals or organizations may wish to write their own implementations of the energy expenditure regression equations.
For further information, please visit the EEPP section.
NIOSH Work Practices Guide
This is a free Excel spreadsheet implementation of the 1991 NIOSH Work Practices Guide for Manual Lifting. The spreadsheet was created by Prof. Gary Herrin and Chuck Woolley of the Center for Ergonomics.
Click here to download the spreadsheet (Excel).
Working with Companies
Ergonomics Training, Job Analysis and Follow Up Activities for Small and Medium Sized Michigan Companies – State of Michigan CET Grant.
Please click here for further information
On Site Custom Training
Arranged through the Director of Continuing Education, Dr. Sheryl Ulin, CPE.
Email: sherylul@umich.edu