This is the list of references from Chapter 6 of Occupational Biomechanics, 3rd Edition by Chaffin, Andersson, and Martin, 1999 (published by J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, NY 10158).
In addition, a partial list of references from related studies performed in the University of Michigan’s Center for Ergonomics is provided at the following links. More references will be added in the future.
Occupational Biomechanics – Chapter 6
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Tsuang, Y. H., O. D. Schipplein, H. H. Trafimow, and G. B. J. Andersson, “Influence of Body Segment Dynamics on Loads at the Lumbar Spine during Lifting,” Ergonomics, 35(4), 437-444 (1992).
Tveit, P., K. Daggfeldt, K., S. Hetland, and A. Thorstensson, “Erector Spinae Lever Arm Length Variations with Changes in Spinal Curvature,” Spine, 19(2), 199-204 (1994).
van Dieën, J. H., “Asymmetry of Erector Spinae Muscle Activity in Twisted Postures and Consistency of Muscle Activation Patterns Across Subjects,” Spine, 21(22), 2651-2661 (1996).
van Dieën, J. H., and H. M. Toussaint, “Evaluation of the Probability of Spinal Damage Caused by Sustained Cyclic Compression Loading,” Human Factors, 39(3), 469-480 (1997).
Van Zyulen, E. J., A. Van Velzen, and J. J. Van der Gon, “A Biomechanical Model for Flexion Torques of Human Arm Muscles as a Function of Elbow Angle,” J. Biomech., 21(3), 183-190 (1988).
Waters, T. R., V. Putz-Anderson, A. Garg, and L. J. Fine, “Revised NIOSH Equation for the Design and Evaluation of Manual Lifting Tasks,” Ergonomics, 36(7), 749-776 (1993).
Wells, R. P., D. A. Ranney, and A. Keeler, The Interaction of Muscular and Passive Elastic Forces during Unloaded Finger Movements: A Computer Graphics Model, Department of Kinesiology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada, 1984.
Wilson, R. N. and S. Wilson, “Tenosynovitis in Industry,” Practitioner, 178, 612-625 (1957).
Winters, J. M. and L. Stark, “Estimated Mechanical Properties of Synergistic Muscles Involved in Movements of a Variety of Human Joints,” J. Biomech., 21(12), 1027-1041 (1988).
Woldstad, J. C. and D. B. Chaffin, “Quantification of the Co-activation of Antagonistic Muscles during Dynamic Elbow Movements,” Proceedings of International Ergonomics Conference, 1991.
Zetterberg, C., G. B. J. Andersson, and A. B. Schultz, “The Activity of Individual Trunk Muscles During Heavy Physical Loading,” Spine, 12(10), 1035-1040 (1987). Adams, M. A., D. S.
Weightman,B., Amis A.A. Finger Joint Force Predictions Related to Design of Joint Replacements,” Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 4, 197-205 (1982).
This is a partial list of references from related studies performed in the University of Michigan’s Center for Ergonomics. More references will be added in the future.
Torso Biomechanical Modeling
Anderson , C., D. Chaffin and G. Herrin. A Study of Lumbosacral Orientation under Varied Static Loads. Spine, 11(5): 456-462, 1986
Chaffin, D.B. and J. A. Ashton-Miller. Biomechanical Aspects of Low Back Pain in the Older Worker. J. Experimental Aging Research 17(3):177-188, 1991.
Chaffin, D.B. Biomechanical Modeling of the Low-Back During Load Lifting. Ergonomics, 31(5):685-697, 1988.
Hughes, R.E. and D.B. Chaffin. The Effect of Strict Muscle Stress Limits on Abdominal Muscle Force Predictions for Combined Torsion and Extension Loadings. J. Biomechanics, 28(5):527-533, 1995.
Hughes, R.E. Empirical evaluation of optimization-based lumbar muscle force prediction models. The University of Michigan, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1991.
Hughes, R.E., D.B. Chaffin, S.A. Lavender and G.B.J. Andersson. Evaluation of Muscle Force Prediction Models of the Lumbar Trunk Using Surface Electromyography. Journal of Orthopaedic Research, 12:689-698, 1994.
Hughes, R.E., J.C. Bean and D.B. Chaffin).Evaluating the Effect of Co-contraction in Optimization ModelsTechnical J. Biomechanics, 28(7):875-878, 1995.
Lavender, S., Y. Tsuang, A. Hafezi, G. Andersson, D. Chaffin and R. Hughes. Coactivation of the Trunk Muscles during Asymmetric Loading of the Torso. Human Factors, 34(2):239-247, 1992.
Nussbaum, M.A. and D.B. Chaffin. Evaluation of Artificial Neural Network Modeling to Predict Torso Muscle Activity, Ergonomics, 39(12):1430-1444, 1996.
Nussbaum, M.A. and D.B. Chaffin. Pattern Classification Reveals Intersubject Group Differences in Lumbar Muscle Recruitment during Static Loading Activity. Clinical Biomechanics 12(2):97-106, 1997.
Nussbaum, M.A., B.J. Martin, and D.B. Chaffin. A Neural Network Model for Simulation of Torso Muscle Coordination. J. Biomechanics 30(3):251-258, 1997.
Nussbaum, M.A., Chaffin, D.B., Hughes, R.E, and Moga, P.J., Simulation Analysis of a Comprehensive Torso Biomechanical Model. Proceedings of the XIIIth Inter. Congress on Biomechanics, Perth, Australia, 1991.
Nussbaum, M.A., Chaffin, D.B., Lavender, S.A., and Rechtien, C.J., Geometric Considerations in Optimization-Based Modeling of the Torso Musculature. Proceedings of the XIVth Inter. Congress on Biomechanics, Paris, France, 1993.
Nussbaum, M.A., Lavender, S.A., Chaffin, D.B., and Andersson, G.B.J, Optimization-Based Torso Muscle Force Prediction: Asymmetric Loading in Two Flexed Postures. Proceedings of the North American Conference on Biomechanics, Chicago, 1992.
Nussbaum, M.A., Lavender, S.A., Hughes, R.E., Chaffin, D.B., and Andersson, G.B.J., Predicting Torso Muscle Activity During Asymmetric Loading: A Comparison of Three Optimization Models. Proceedings of the Amer. Soc. of Biomechanics, Tempe, Arizona, 1991.
Raschke, U. and D.B. Chaffin. Support for a Linear Length-Tension Relation of the Torso Extensor Muscles: An Investigation of the Length and Velocity EMG-Force Relationships. J. Biomechanics, 29:12):1597-1604, 1996
Raschke, U. and D.B. Chaffin. Trunk and Hip Muscle Recruitment in Response to External Anterior Lumbosacral Shear and Moment Loads. Clinical Biomechanics 11(3):145-152, 1996.
Raschke, U. Lumbar Muscle Activity Prediction Under Dynamic Sagittal Plane Lifting Conditions: Physiological And Biomechanical Modeling Considerations. The University of Michigan, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1994.
Raschke, U., B.J. Martin and D.B. Chaffin. Distributed Moment Histogram: A Neurophysiology Based Method of Agonist and Antagonist Trunk Muscle Activity Prediction. J. Biomechanics, 29(12):1587-1596, 1996.
Human Strength Modeling
Andres, R.O. and D.B. Chaffin. Validation of a Biodynamic Model of Pushing and Pulling. J. Biomechanics 24(11):1033-1045, 1991.
Chaffin, D.B. and M. Erig. Three-Dimensional Biomechanical Static Strength Prediction Model Sensitivity to Postural and Anthropometric Inaccuracies. IIE Transactions 22(3):215-227, 1991.
Chaffin, D.B., A. Freivalds and S.M. Evans. On the Validity of an Isometric Biomechanical Model of Worker Strengths. IIE Transactions, 19(3):280-288, 1987.
Foust, D.R., D.B. Chaffin, R.G. Snyder, and J.K. Baum. Cervical Range of Motion and Dynamic Response and Strength of Cervical Muscle. SAE Transactions, 4(82), SAE Paper No. 730975, Reprinted November 1974 and 1973.
Garg, A. and D. Chaffin. A Biomechanical Computerized Simulation of Human Strength. AIIE Transactions, 7(1), March 1975.
Read, J. G., Costigan, P. A. and Comrie, W., “Prediction of trunk muscle areas and moment arms by use of anthropometric measures,” Spine, 12, 273-5, (1987).
Human Exertion Software Development and Use
Beck, D. J., “An Evaluation of Inverse Kinematics Models for Posture Prediction,” CAES 1992, Tampere, Finland, (1992).
Beck, D. Chaffin, B. Martin, Y. Liu. A Comparison of Three Computerized Posture Entry Methods for Novice and Expert Users. submitted Ergonomics.
Chaffin, D. Computerized Models for Occupational Biomechanics. Scandinavian J. of Occupational Health and Safety and Biomechanics X, (B. Johnson Ed.), Human Kinetics, Champaign, IL 1986.
Chaffin, D.B. Biomechanical Modeling for Simulation of 3D Static Human Exertions, in Computer Applications in Ergonomics, Occupational Safety and Health, ed. M. Mattila and W. Karwowski, Elsevier Science Publishers, N.Y., 1992.
Chaffin, D.B., R.O. Andres and A. Garg. Volitional Postures during Maximal Push/Pull Exertions in the Sagittal Plane. Human Factors, 25(5):541-550, 1983.
Evans, S. and D. Chaffin. Using Interactive Visual Displays to Present Ergonomics Information in Workspace Design. Trends in Ergonomics/Human Factors III, W. Karwowski (Editor), Elsevier Science Publishers: (North-Holland), 1986.
Evans, S.M. Use of Biomechanical Static Strength Models in Workspace Design. Proceedings for NATO workshop on Human Performance Models in System Design, May 1988, Orlando, FL.
Evans, S.M., D. Chaffin, and J. Foulke. A methodology for integrating ergonomics information in workspace design., Proceedings of the 1984 International Conference on Occupational Ergonomics.
Freivalds, A., D. Chaffin, A. Garg, and K. Lee. A Dynamic Biomechanical Evaluation of Lifting Maximum Acceptable Loads. J. Biomechanics, 17(4):251-262, 1984.
Garg, A. The Development and Validation of a 3-dimensional hand force capability model, Professional Engineer Thesis, University of Michigan, July 1973.
Garg, A., D. Chaffin and A. Freivalds. Biomechanical Stresses from Manual Load Lifting — A Static and Dynamic Evaluation. IIE Transactions, 14(4):272-281, 1982.
Garg, A., D. Chaffin and G. Herrin. Prediction of Metabolic Rates for Manual Materials Handling Jobs. AIHA Journal, 39:661-674 August 1978.
Kumar, S., D.B. Chaffin and Mark Redfern. Isometric and Isokinetic Back and Arm Lifting Strengths: Device and Measurement. J. Biomechanics, 21(1):35-44, 1988.
Langolf, G., D. Chaffin and J. Foulke. An Investigation of Fitts’ Law Over a Wide Range of Movement Amplitudes. Journal of Motor Behavior, 8(2), June 1976.
Lee, K.S., D.B. Chaffin, G.D. Herrin, and A.M. Waikar. Effects of Handle Height on Lower Back Loading in Cart Pushing and Pulling. J. Applied Ergonomics 22(2):117-123, 1991.
Park, K.S. and D.B. Chaffin. Prediction of Load Lifting Limits for Manual Materials Handling. Professional Safety, 20(5), May 1975.
Thompson, D.D. The Perception of Physical Stress as a Measure of Biomechanical Tolerance, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1993.
Thompson, D.D., D.B. Chaffin, R.E. Hughes and O. Evans. The Relationship of Isometric Strength to Peak Dynamic Hand Forces During Submaximal Weight Lifting. Int. J. of Ind. Ergonomics, 9:15-23, 1992.
Woldstad, J.C. and D.B. Chaffin. Dynamic Push and Pull Forces While Using a Manual Material Handling Assist Device. IIE Transactions, 26(3):77-88, 1994.
This is a partial list of references from related studies performed in the University of Michigan’s Center for Ergonomics. More references will be added in the future.
Human Posture and Motion Modeling
Anderson, C. and D. Chaffin. A Biomechanical Evaluation of Five Lifting Techniques. Applied Ergonomics, 17(1):2-8, 1986.
Armstrong, T.J., D.B. Chaffin and J.A. Foulke. A Methodology for Documenting Hand Positions and Forces During Manual Work. Journal of Biomechanics, 12:131-133, 1979.
Beck, D.J. and D.B. Chaffin. An evaluation of inverse kinematics models for posture prediction, CAES, Finland 1992.
Byun, S.N. A Computer Simulation Using A Multivariate Biomechanical Posture Prediction Model For Manual Materials Handling Tasks. The University of Michigan, Ph.D. dissertation, 1991.
Chaffin, D., L. Gallay, C. Woolley, S. Kuciemba. An Evaluation of the Effect of Worker Training on Lifting Postures. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 1:127-136, 1986.
Chaffin, D.B. and G.B. Page. Postural Effects on Biomechanical and Psychophysical Weight-lifting Limits. Ergonomics, 37(4):663-676, 1994.
Garg, A. and G. Herrin. Stoop or Squat: A biomechanical and Metabolic evaluation, AIIE Transactions – 293-300, Dec. 1979.
Garg, A., D. Sharma, D. Chaffin and J.M. Schmidler. Biomechanical Stresses as Related to Motion Trajectory of Lifting. Human Factors, 25(5):527-540, 1983.
Gilad, I., M. Redfern, D.B. Chaffin and S.N. Byun. Angular Displacement of Torso During Lifting: A System Comparison of Two Measuring Methods. Human Movement Science, 8:547-569, 1989.
Holbein, M. A. and D. B. Chaffin, “Stability Limits In Extreme Postures: Effects of Load Positioning, Foot Placement, and Strength,” Human Factors, 39(3), 456-468 (1997).
Kerk, C. J., Chaffin, D. B., and Keyserling, W. M., “Stability as a constraint in sagittal plane human force exertion modeling,” Occupational Ergonomics, 1(1), 23-39, (1998).
Kerk, C. J., Chaffin, D. B., Page, G. B., and Hughes, R. E., “A comprehensive biomechanical model using strength, stability, and COF constraints to predict hand force exertion capability under sagittally symmetric static conditions,” IIE Transactions, 26(3), 57-67, (1994).
Kilpatrick, K.E. A Model for the Design of Manual Workstations. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1970.
Liu, Y., X. Zhang, and D. Chaffin. Perception And Visualization of Human Posture Information For Computer Aided Ergonomics Analysis. Ergonomics 40(8):818-833, 1997.
Nussbaum, M.A., X. Zhang., D.B. Chaffin, B.S. Stump and U. Raschke. A Reduced Surface Marker Set for Upper Limb Kinematics: Heuristics and Optimization. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of American Society of Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 1996.
Park, K. and D. Chaffin. Biomechanical Evaluation of Two Methods of Manual Load Lifting, AIIE Transactions. 6(2), June 1974.
Resnick, M.L. and D.B. Chaffin. Kinematics, Kinetics, and Psychophysical Perceptions in Symmetric and Twisting Pushing and Pulling Tasks Human Factors, 38(1):114-129, 1996.
Wiker, S.F., D.B. Chaffin and G.D. Langolf. Shoulder Posture and Localized Muscle Fatigue and Discomfort. Ergonomics, 32(2):211-237, 1989.
Wiker, S.F., G.D. Langolf and D.B. Chaffin. Arm Posture and Human Movement Capability. Human Factors, 31(4):421-441, 1989.
Zhang, X. and D.B. Chaffin. Task Effects on Three-Dimensional Dynamic Postures during Seated Reaching Movements: An Investigative Scheme and Illustration. Human Factors, 39(4):659-671, 1997.
Zhang, X. and D.B. Chaffin. Task Effects on Three-Dimensional Dynamic Postures during Seated Reaching Movements: An Analysis Method and Illustration. Proceedings of the 40th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 1996. (Winner of the Industrial Ergonomics Best Student Paper Award.
Zhang, X., D.B. Chaffin and Q. Shen. Effects of Target Location on Torso Kinematics during Seated Discrete Reaching Movements in Three Dimensions. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of American Society of Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 1996.
Zhang, X., D.B. Chaffin, and D. Thompson. The Development of Dynamic Simulation Models of Seated Reaching Motions while Driving. to appear in SAE Transactions (presented at SAE Congress, February 1997).
Zhang, X., M.A. Nussbaum, and D.B. Chaffin. Calibrating Instantaneous Helical Axes to Identify the Elbow and Shoulder Joint Centers for Movement Studies. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Meeting of American Society of Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 1996.
Anthropometric Modeling
Armstrong, T.J., D.B. Chaffin and J.A. Foulke. A Method for Measuring Shapes of Anatomical Surfaces. Technical Note-Journal of Biomechanics, 12:397-399, 1979.
Chaffin, D. Fundamentals of Anthropometry and Biomechanical Job Evaluations. In Handbook of Industrial Engineering, edited by G. Salvendy, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1982.
Nussbaum, M.A. and D.B. Chaffin. Development and Evaluation of a Scalable and Deformable Geometric Model of the Human Torso. Clinical Biomechanics 11(1):25-34, 1996.
Nussbaum, M.A., D.B. Chaffin, and C.J. Rechtien. Muscle Lines-of-Action Affect Predicted Forces in Optimization-Based Spine Muscle Modeling. J. Biomechanics 28(4):401-409, 1995.