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Chaffin, D.B. (2007). “Some Requirements and Fundamental Issues in Digital Human Modeling,” Submitted for a chapter in V. Duffy (Ed.) The Handbook of Digital Human Modeling for Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering. Taylor and Francis Publishers.
Choi, J., Grieshaber, C., Armstrong, T.J. “Estimation of Grasp Envelope using a 3-Dimensional Kinematic Model of the Hand,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2007; 2:889-893.
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Crane, B.A., Holm, M.B., Hobson, D., Cooper, R.A., and Reed, M.P. “Responsiveness of the TAWC Tool for Assessing Wheelchair Discomfort,” Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 2007; 2(2): 97-103.
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D’Souza, J.C., Keyserling, W.M., Werner, R., Gillespie, B., Franzblau, A. “Expert Consensus Ratings of Job Categories from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III),” American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2007; 50(8): 608-616.
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Grieshaber, D.C. and Armstrong, T.J. “Insertion Loads and Forearm Muscle Activity During Flexible Hose Insertion Tasks,” Human Factors, 49(5), 2007.
Grieshaber, D.C., Lau, M.H., Armstrong, T.J. “Subjective Self-ratings of Perceived Difficulty during Obstructed Manual Hose Insertion Tasks,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2007; 2: 957-961.
Gscheidle, G., Reed, M. “Distribution of Computer Users’ Eye Locations Based on Sitter-selected Postures,” 10th Annual Applied Ergonomics Conference: Celebrating the Past – Shaping the Future, 2007.
Hoffman, S., Reed, M., Chaffin, D. Predicting Force-exertion Postures from Task Variables, SAE Technical Papers, 2007,
Hoffman, S., Reed, M., Chaffin, D. “The Relationship between Hand Force Direction and Posture during Two-handed Pushing Tasks,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2007; 2: 928-932.
Keyserling, W.M. and Armstrong, T.J. “Ergonomics and Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders,” In Wallace R.B. (Ed.) Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventive Medicine (15th edition). Norwalk, CT: Appleton and Lange, 14(31):647-659, 2007.
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Parkinson, M.B., Reed, M.P. Standing Reach Envelopes Incorporating Anthropometric Variance and Postural Cost, SAE Technical Papers, 2007.
Parkinson, M.B., Reed, M.P., Kokkolaras, M., and Papalambros, P.Y. “Optimizing Truck Cab Layout for Driver Accommodation,” Journal of Mechanical Design, 129:1110-1117, Oct. 2007.
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Seo, N., Armstrong, T.J., Ashton-Miller, J., Chaffin, D.B. “The Effect of Torque Direction and Cylindrical Handle Diameter on the Coupling between the Hand and Cylindrical Handle,” Journal of Biomechanics, 40(14):3236-3243, 2007.
Seo, N., Armstrong, T.J., Dannecker, K. “The Effect of Simultaneous Grip on Wrist Flexion/Extension Strength,” Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 2007; 2: 928-932.
Sivak, M., Schoettle, B., Reed, M. Flannagan, M,”Body-pillar Vision Obstructions and Lane-change Crashes,” Journal of Safety Research, 2007; 38(5): 557-561.
Tsimhoni, O., Reed, M. The Virtual Driver: Integrating Task Planning and Cognitive Simulation with Human Movement Models, SAE Technical Papers, 2007.
Violante, F., Armstrong, T.J., Fiorentini, C., Graziosi, F., Risi, A., Venturi, S., Curti, S., Zanardi, F., Cooke, R., Bonfiglioli, R., et al. “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Manual Work: A Longitudinal Study,” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2007; 49(11): 1189-1196.
Wagner, D., Reed, M., Rasmussen, J. Assessing the Importance of Motion Dynamics for Ergonomic Analysis of Manual Materials Handling Tasks using the Anybody Modeling System. SAE Technical Papers, 2007.
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