Sheryl Ulin, Ph.D., CPE

Ergonomics Job Analysis

How to use occupational ergonomics design principles to analyze current or proposed work tools, tasks and workstations in various sectors (manufacturing, office environments, housekeeping, hospitals, etc.) to reduce the risk of workers developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders such as low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis.

Occupational Biomechanics

How to use the principles of occupational biomechanics that include the laws of physics and engineering theories to model current and proposed work tasks. The analysis results can be compared to guidelines developed to reduce the risk of workers developing work-related musculoskeletal disorders.


How to utilize the principles of psychophysics to analyze workplace tools, equipment and other work parameters.

Ergonomics Programs

How to develop a process that integrates occupational ergonomics into workplace and product design.

Ergonomics Training

Development of customized ergonomics seminars, workshops and courses that allow attendees to utilize principles taught in the program to work on case studies from their workplace.